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  1. So we did some research. Here are our findings:

  2. So there's this website. It's about how everyone is copying Austin's style. Laaaaame.

    We, here, at Austin Did it First do not condone the site, but here's the link, so you can see for yourself how people the world over are copying Austin's hipster culture. Posers.

  3. Trailer for "The Scene...L.E.S." // From the Producers of "The Jimmy Lloyd Songwriter Showcase" on NBC // from on Vimeo.

  4. Why Savers is rad

    Tuesday, April 12, 2011

    So we went to Savers. We were just looking for kitsch mugs for our drip coffee but ended up leaving with a plethora of flannel shirts and pleated, acid wash mom jeans that definitely gave us FUPAs. The customer service was kind of shitty but everything was hella cheap.


  5. Finally a Handbook. THANK GOD.

    Thursday, April 7, 2011

    The Hipster Handbook is a great way to stay current with hipsterosity. Do you qualify?

  6. The Blue Starlite Mini Urban Drive-In is incredible. You can take your lady for a movie and still get to hang out outside with your fixie.